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Technology Expectations

SCC expects all students to have basic laptop or computer platforms, including webcams and microphones, adequate for accessing internet content: 

  • Identify areas to access internet service at home, work or public places. You may also access the internet in SCC buildings and parking lots.

  • Check for additional computer requirements in programs of study with specific computing demands.  

  • Consider purchasing a computer from the SCC bookstore using your financial aid award.

  • Inquire about the laptop loan program at the SCC Library.


For those who are completely out of reach of the internet from cellular or wireline internet service, a new satellite service from SpaceX is accepting beta signups now.

This new service will be available later this year everywhere in the United States.  The performance and price are claimed to be "like cable modems", but exact details have not been published. Unlike existing geostationary based satellite services, the latency will be much lower since the satellites are only at about 500 miles altitude. Low earth orbit based internet access will change the competitive landscape of internet providers over the next few years.  While not everyone will be able to afford this service, its presence in the market will force rural ISPs that have refused to build out to either improve their service or face loss of customers.

While we can't make any assurances for this service or that you'll get in for the beta for the service, I encourage you to sign up if you are someone this would benefit. The more numbers they have signing up in rural areas the more likelihood there is of getting on their grid sooner than later.


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