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What is a Career Assessment?

A career assessment is a tool that helps students gain understanding and learn more about  their interests, personality, skills/abilities, and values.

Self-assessments may be used during career counseling appointments.  Assessments offer an opportunity to identify possible strong career options, but they cannot make better decisions for you than you can through counseling and research.

Keep in mind that no single assessment can tell you "what you should be." Successful career planning may require multiple assessment tools, and more than one appointment with a Career Counselor. We recommend that you discuss any of the following tools in a schedule appointment with a career services staff member.

Holland Code-Based  Career Assessments:

  • Career Coach – Take the longer (60 question) version assessment in our Career Coach program to gain knowledge of your interests and how they align with career options.   Your Career Coach results will also link to majors at SCC and related careers and jobs, complete with salary information, outlook, and descriptions. 

  • Personality Mosaic – This paper-and-pencil assessment will yield accurate interest results that are based on the same theory as the Career Coach and the Strong Interest Inventory.  If you cannot take the Career Coach assessment online, then print and complete the Personality Mosaic, and take your results to a career counselor for discussion.

Values and Personality Inventories:

  • PEAK Values Inventory-This is a paper-and-pencil worksheet to help you identify your top six work and life values. After identifying your career-related interests using Career Coach, knowing these top values will assist you in narrowing or confirming a career choice that best fits what you want out of life, both personally and professionally. View and complete the PEAK Values Inventory Worksheet.   

  • Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory - While not a career assessment, the Myers-Briggs Inventory (MBTI) is the most widely used personality inventory in the world. This personality instrument is based on psychological type preferences. It provides information about your personality style and the way that you interact with the world. It may be used to help you understand the relationship between personality, communication, and some workplace settings.  Take a similar inventory to MBTI called the Jung Typology Test which yields instant, free results. , and make an appointment with a career counselor to discuss them.

Other Self-Assessment Tools

If you prefer to complete other self-assessments on your own, the options below are reputable and reliable assessments (and O*Net offers lots of additional information about specific careers).  You can still bring your results to Career Services for interpretation and career counseling.

You can make an appointment with a Career Counselor to discuss your results from any of these assessments and inventories. We can help you understand and “connect the dots” with your interests, abilities, and values that may lead to an informed choice of major and an ideal career.  Contact Career Services by contacting Jodie Waldroup or Michael Despeaux to schedule an appointment.


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