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Summary of Vision 2017 Survey and Focus Group Results

The following is a summary of key themes/findings resulting from a series of surveys and focus group sessions conducted as part of the informational gathering phase of Southwestern Community College’s Vision 2017 planning process.  The summary incorporates responses from all constituent groups involved in this process, including current students, faculty and staff, members of the Board of Trustees, employers, local government officials, other educational providers, and community organizations.


1.   Using the following scale, please answer the question:  How well prepared are Southwestern Community College students/graduates for employment or further education?

___Not prepared ___Very poorly prepared   ___Somewhat prepared   ___Prepared    ___Very prepared

Approximately two-thirds of respondents indicated students/graduates were Very Prepared, while approximately one-third indicated students/graduates were Prepared.  None of the respondents gave a rating below Prepared. 

Follow Up Question: Why did you select the answer that you did?

The majority of respondents indicated they selected Very Prepared/Prepared based upon personal contact/interaction with SCC graduates.  Another common rationale for the rating was feedback from other members in the community.  Finally, a number of respondents indicated this rating was based upon the good reputation of Southwestern.


2. If you know of individuals or groups who have not attended SCC, explain why.

Some of the primary themes to emerge from this question were:

Lack of awareness of the programs/resources available at Southwestern

Some individuals continue to accept the stereotype that a community college educational experience is “less than” what they could experience at a 4-yr. institution

Some individuals, particularly older adults, are sometimes intimidated at the prospect of entering college

Lack of affordable/available childcare


3. How has Southwestern Community College served you as an organization or as an individual?

Some of the primary themes to emerge from this question were:

Accessible and convenient classes

High level of support provided to students

Community enrichment opportunities

Graduates well prepared for work or for transfer to a 4-yr. institution

Many opportunities for collaboration

Valuable resource for the communities/region served


4. How can Southwestern Community College better serve you as an organization or as individual?

Some of the primary themes to emerge from this question were:

Provide some form of food service on the campus

Assist economic development efforts in the region

Provide more continuing education opportunities, especially licensure and skill enhancement options

Continue to provide training in Trades-related programs

Provide faculty and staff more opportunities to socialize/interact as a college community

Increase the number of students transferring to WCU

Address student concerns with the Bookstore- cost, service, etc.

Address barriers students sometimes experience in contacting their advisor-particularly for College Transfer majors at the Macon Campus

Address student issues regarding communication with the Financial Aid Office

Provide updated course/instructional software in computer labs


5. What role should Southwestern Community College play in meeting the educational needs in Jackson, Macon, and Swain counties and on the Qualla Boundary?

Some of the primary themes to emerge from this question were:

Continue to do what we are currently doing

Improve efforts to market the college and its programs/services

Expand offerings at the Macon Campus

Expand arts/cultural opportunities offered by the college

Continue to serve as an affordable educational pathway

Meet continuing education needs in such areas as occupational licensure requirements

Meet vocational training needs

Be dynamic and flexible in offering educational/training options


6. If you could change one element in the relationship between Southwestern Community College and Western Carolina University, what would that be?

Most respondents indicated that this relationship is now on the right path.  Also, some respondents indicated the need to continue developing articulationagreements between the two institutions.


7. If you could change one element in the relationship between Southwestern Community College and the local public schools, what would that be?

Respondent comments were dominated by three primary themes-the need to effectively communicate college offerings to all high school counselors, address conflicts in calendars between the college and school districts, and the positive benefits of college initiatives with the public schools such as New Century Scholars, Gear Up, STEP, etc.


8. What emerging trends in education, business, or government does the college need to be aware of during this planning process?

Some of the primary themes to emerge from this question were:

The need to stay abreast of changes in technology, making sure the college has up to date equipment and resources- recognize that technology is continuing to evolve in many fields, such as healthcare

The importance of fiscal responsibility in the current economic environment

The benefits of collaboration/partnering with other organizations

Recognize that the rising costs of education has both positive and negative implications for the college- for example, rising costs may accentuate Southwestern as the most affordable option, but some individuals may be unable to afford SCC even if we are the most affordable

Another implication of the rising cost of education will be the increasingly critical role community colleges will play as the first step for those pursuing a 4-yr. degree

Graduates may face limited job opportunities in some instances, and the limited job opportunities in the current economy may be a disincentive for some to pursue education and training 

The need for training on the use of mobile applications might be an opportunity the college could exploit

Opportunities to incorporate green/sustainable technology/concepts into a variety of current program offerings

As the economy becomes increasingly global in nature, there will be a need to integrate global connections into current program offerings 

The growth of healthcare will result in continued enrollment increases in many healthcare-related programs


9. If you had the ability to change one element at Southwestern Community College what would that be?

Provide some form of food service on campus

Update classroom computers/software

Provide more opportunities for SCC faculty and staff to socialize/become better acquainted

More communication at the college

More sections for high demand courses (particularly more seat-based options)

Ensure good wireless connections at the college, particularly in Oaks Hall 


10. What is your overall perception of Southwestern Community College?

One word dominated responses to this question- Excellent. Other common responses included-

Very student-centered

Provides high quality education 

Family atmosphere for students, faculty and staff

A vital part of the community

Considered by faculty and staff to be a great place to work


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