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Virtual Counselor (Tess)

Text "Hi" to 828.492.2323   --  Tess is a virtual counselor who provides Mental Health Support by text 24/7

Get help and find solutions for anxiety, depression, PTSD and other issues. Everything you tell Tess is completely confidential. Personal info shared with Tess, is not shared with anyone else. 

This Chatbot asks questions designed to find root issues, and "she" provides ongoing help to deal with the pain. Tess offers support and techniques to deal with stress, panic attacks, and the like. 

If symptoms are severe enough, Tess will urge you to get in touch with 911, national hotlines or resources right here in Jackson, Macon, Swain Counties and the Qualla Boundary. 
Go to the link below for information about:
1) Commands such as: "opt out," "stop" OR "delete my data"  (Example: Once you start with Tess, she will spontaneously reach out to see how you are doing. "Opt Out," to decline that.)    
2) Commands such as: "Deep Breathing," "Build Resilience," "I'm having a panic attack" and much more.
3) For a more detailed description of Tess, articles, research, etc.

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