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Career Technologies

Career Technologies

Dean of Career Technologies
Photo of Linda Aiken
Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator/…
Office Administration and Medical Office…
Photo of Ashley Burleson
Criminal Justice Technology Program Coordinator/…
William Clark
Business Administration - Entrepreneurship Track…
Scott Cline
Information Technologies Department Chair; IT…
Photo of Dawn Harrison
Information Technologies Instructor
Photo of Phillip Henson
Automotive Systems Technology - High School…
Welding Instructor - Swain High School
Bob Keeling Photo
Advertising and Graphic Design Program…
Photo of Sharon Lauffer
Accounting & Finance Program Coordinator/…
Randy McCall
Cosmetology Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Chris McMahan
Welding Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of David Myers
Automotive Technology Program Coordinator/…
Derek Oetting
Carpentry Instructor - Swain High School
Photo of Marshall Parrish
Welding Instructor
Photo of Carolyn Porter
Business Department Chair; Business…
John Robinson
Culinary Arts Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Marty Rowland
Automotive Systems Technology Instructor
Photo of Jennifer Singleton
Cosmetology Instructor
Paul Wolf
Outdoor Leadership Program Coordinator/Instructor

Career Technologies Part-Time Employees

Adjunct Instructor - Information Technologies
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership
Adjunct Instructor - Medical Office Administration
Adjunct Instructor - IT Networking
Adjunct Instructor - Early Childhood Education
Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice Technology
Adjunct Instructor - Advertising & Graphic…
Adjunct Instructor - Criminal Justice Technology
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership
Adjunct Instructor - Welding
Adjunct Instructor - Early Childhood Education
Adjunct Instructor - Medical Office Administration
Adjunct Instructor - Nutrition
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership
Adjunct Instructor - Culinary Arts
Adjunct Instructor - Business Administration
Adjunct Instructor - Air Conditioning, Heating…
Adjunct Instructor - Accounting
Adjunct Instructor - Networking
Adjunct Instructor - Information Technology
Adjunct Instructor - Information Systems
Adjunct Instructor - Business Administration
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership
Adjunct Instructor - Automotive Systems Technology
Adjunct Instructor - Early Childhood Education
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership
Adjunct Instructor - Outdoor Leadership

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