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Maintenance Staff


Photo of Joe Waldrum
Director of Facilities
Nathan Beck
Custodial Supervisor
Photo of John Slater
Maintenance Supervisor
Part-Time Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Steven Arico
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Bea Buchanan
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Ryan Camerote
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Lois Greene
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Mary Holler
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Maddy Holt
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Terry Jones
Grounds/Maintenance Technician I
Photo of Luke Monroe
General Maintenance Technician
Todd Moses Photo
HVAC Mechanic
Tonya Nifong
General Maintenance Technician II - Landscaping
Photo of Trina Pullian
Cleaning Technician I
Lester Queen
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Ginger Smith
Grounds/Maintenance Technician I
Photo of Melissa Sumrak
Cleaning Technician I
Tony Sutton
General Maintenance Technician II - Administrator
Photo of  Collin Trammell
Grounds/Maintenance Technician I

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