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Team raises more than $1,100 in Relay For Life fundraiser

Members of SCC’s Relay For Life team include, from left: Kim Argo of Waynesville, team captain Amanda Allen of Cullowhee, and Sheri and Roger Turk of Cullowhee. Team members who attended but are not pictured include Serena Herter of Cullowhee, Danell Moses of Webster and Barbara Hart of Bryson City.

As part of the recent Relay For Life event in Cullowhee, 10 representatives raised over $1,100 that will go to the American Cancer Society’s research and local outreach efforts.

SCC’s team, which was organized by the SCC Cares committee, won first place in the “Best Luau Campsite” competition. Amanda Allen served as captain for SCC’s team.

Other team members included Kim Argo, Sheri Turk, Barbara Hart, Serena Herter, Sonja Haynes, Dr. Thom Brooks, Danell Moses, Lilian Byrd, Miranda Partington and Jessica Moody.

“As the daughter of a cancer survivor, the granddaughter of three cancer survivors and one soul lost to cancer, and as the friend of several cancer warriors - I could not be more grateful for the outpouring of generosity from our SCC family,” Allen said. “Through the hard work of the American Cancer Society and Relay, cancer deaths have decreased dramatically and early detection has increased rapidly. With these advances and countless others with medications, treatment and detection, we continue the fight against cancer.”

For more information about the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life, visit

For more information about SCC Cares, visit

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