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Full Time Faculty

Faculty Full Time

Photo of Ken Adams
Biology Instructor
Photo of Linda Aiken
Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator/…
Photo of Crystal Akers
Nursing & Clinical Support Instructor
Keith Allen
Buildings and Grounds Instructor - LBJ Job Corps
Office Administration and Medical Office…
Photo of Angela Beck
Culinary Instructor - LBJ Job Corps
Physical Therapist Assistant Program Coordinator
picture of Mitch
Law Enforcement Training Program (LETP) Director/…
Photo of Amanda Bowers
Practical Nursing Clinical Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Jessica Bradley
Medical Assisting Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Rebecca Branden
English Instructor
Photo of Abra Brooks
Dental Hygiene Program Coordinator/Instructor
Jennifer Brooks
English Instructor, English Department Chair
Photo of Elizabeth Brooks
Medical Sonography Clinical Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Ashley Burleson
Criminal Justice Technology Program Coordinator/…
Susan Cain
Communications Instructor
Photo of Lauren Carnes
Physical Therapist Assistant Clinical Coordinator…
Photo of Alison Carter
Mathematics Instructor, Mathematics Department…
Photo of Matt Cass
Physics Instructor
William Clark
Business Administration - Entrepreneurship Track…
Scott Cline
Information Technologies Department Chair; IT…
Chris Cox Photo
English Instructor
Photo of Zach Dezarn
National Park Service - Law Enforcement Academy (…
Debra Eavenson
Medical Sonography Program Coordinator/Instructor
Robert Groves
Emergency Medical Science Clinical Coordinator/…
Photo of Gretchen Guelcher
Respiratory Therapy Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Angela Harris
Nursing Instructor
Photo of Dawn Harrison
Information Technologies Instructor
Photo of Morgan Henry
Respiratory Therapy Director of Clinical Education
Photo of Phillip Henson
Automotive Systems Technology - High School…
Photo of Stephen Hesselbirg
Psychology Instructor
Eric Hester
Emergency Medical Science Program Director
Photo of Tracy Hord
Nurse Aide Program Coordinator/Instructor
Welding Instructor - Swain High School
Photo of Noah Jones
Respiratory Care Program Coordinator/Instructor…
Photo of Brian Kane
Associate in Fine Arts Instructor, Department…
Bob Keeling Photo
Advertising and Graphic Design Program…
Photo of Kristy Lance
Dental Assisting Instructor
Photo of Sharon Lauffer
Accounting & Finance Program Coordinator/…
Photo of Rebekah Ledford
Nursing Instructor
Linda Lewis
Nursing Instructor
Photo of Allen Lomax
Psychology Instructor
Eddie Lunsford
Biology Instructor, Sciences Department Chair
Randy McCall
Cosmetology Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of John McCollum
Sociology Instructor
Photo of Michael McIntosh
Biology Instructor
Photo of Chris McMahan
Welding Program Coordinator/Instructor
picture of Alan
Fire/Rescue Program Director/Coordinator/…
Elaine Merritt
Mathematics Instructor; Interim Director of Macon…
Photo of Carly Messer
Practical Nursing Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Norrie Meus
History Instructor, Social Sciences Department…
Charles Moore
Culinary Instructor - LBJ Job Corps
Becca Morton
Opticianry Program Coordinator
Photo of Meg Moss
Math Instructor
Photo of David Myers
Automotive Technology Program Coordinator/…
Photo of Jacquie Newton
Administrative Systems Program Instructor - LBJ…
Photo of Jeniffer Nicholson
Dental Assisting Clinical Coordinator/Instructor
Derek Oetting
Carpentry Instructor - Swain High School
Photo of Mike Park
English Instructor
Photo of Marshall Parrish
Welding Instructor
Photo of Meg Petty
Radiography Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Carolyn Porter
Business Department Chair; Business…
Photo of Daniel Reid
NC Basic Law Enforcement Program Coordinator/…
Photo of Crystal Rhynes
Human Services Technology Program Coordinator/…
Photo of Austin Ritch
Forestry Instructor - Oconaluftee Job Corps
John Robinson
Culinary Arts Program Coordinator/Instructor
Photo of Marty Rowland
Automotive Systems Technology Instructor
Photo of Amy Russ
English Instructor
Hilary Seagle
Mathematics Instructor, University Transfer…
Photo of Jennifer Singleton
Cosmetology Instructor
Photo of Alex Smith
Welding Instructor - LBJ
Amber Sutton Photo
Health Information Technology Instructor
Photo of Vicki Todd
Mathematics Instructor
Photo of Carol Tucker
Nursing Instructor
Photo of Peggy Vos
Occupational Therapy Assistant Academic Fieldwork…
Photo of Anna Walls
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program…
Penny Wells
Health Information Technology Program Coordinator…
PHoto of Jonathan Wertheim
Basic Skills Instructor
Paul Wolf
Outdoor Leadership Program Coordinator/Instructor

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