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Staff Full-Time

Staff Full-Time

Tina Adams
Library Director
Photo of Laura Allen
Career Coach
Photo of Steven Arico
Cleaning Technician I
Jennie Ashlock
Health Sciences Academic Advisor/Tutor Liaison
Photo of Brad Baines
Events Technology Specialist
Scott Baker
Vice President for Information Technology
Nursing Program Director
Dominique Benson
Director of Student Support Services/Career Techno…
Photo of Dep. Jordan Beck
Campus Resource Officer - Jackson
Nathan Beck
Custodial Supervisor
Photo of Kristan Blanton
Director of Enrollment Management
Photo of Cory Bowen
Photo of Thom Brooks
Executive Vice President for Instruction and Stude…
Photo of Josiah Buchanan
Financial Aid Counselor
Photo of Bea Buchanan
Cleaning Technician I
Sayward Cabe
Financial Aid Director
Photo of Allie Cagle
HR Administrator
Photo of Ryan Camerote
Cleaning Technician I
Betsy Clayton
Administrative Assistant - Instruction and Student…
Photo of Jande Clayton
Administrative Assistant - Macon Campus
Photo of Savannah Conley
Administrative Assistant - Public Safety Training…
Nick Connor
Systems Administrator
Nan Coulter
Exec. Asst. to President & Board of Trustees;…
Photo of Richard Davis
Courier/Mail Carrier
Photo of Peter Davis
Systems Administrator
Photo of Mike Despeaux
Director of Career Services
Photo of Zach Dezarn
National Park Service - Law Enforcement Academy (P…
Tara Dillard
Director of Business Operations
Curtis Dowdle
Dean of Public Safety Training
Photo of Jill Ellern
Director of Healthcare Simulation Learning
Photo of Mark Ellison
Dean of Students
Tori Ellison
Intake Coordinator/College Transfer Advisor - Stud…
Bethany Emory
Dean of Teaching and Learning Support
Photo of Vaudie England
Facilities Maintenance/Grounds Technician - PSTC
Photo of Lisa Kim Fisher
Vice President for Financial and Administrative Se…
Photo of Jacob Frizzell
Financial Aid Counselor
Photo of Logan Gentry
Career Coach
Dwayne Gentry
Network and Infrastructure Manager
Director of Public Relations
Photo of Lois Greene
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Ben Haines
Administrative Assistant - Admissions
Photo of Marne Harris
Director of Small Business Center
Evan Hatch
Executive Director for Institutional Advancement
Joana Hernandez
Accountant - Payables
Photo of Toni Holland
Accountant II - Cashier
Photo of Mary Holler
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Amy Holt
Administrative Assistant - Health Sciences
Photo of Maddy Holt
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Vicki Holzknecht
Cyber Security Analyst
Photo of Melissa Hyatt
Dean of Health Sciences
Clyanne Hyde
Director of Student Records/Registrar
Photo of Devonne Jimison
College and Career Readiness Director
Photo of Terry Jones
Grounds/Maintenance Technician I
Photo of Pamela Judson
Director of Pre-Health Sciences
Director of Upward Bound
Photo of Freya Kinner
Learner Accessibility and Equity Advocate
Wanda Knight
Institutional Research and Planning Associate
Photo of James Long
Testing & New Century Scholars Coordinator
Photo of Jeffery Manka
Director of Custom Industry and Professional Licen…
Jeff Marley
Director of Personal Enrichment/Heritage Arts
Photo of Carol Martin
Photo of Allie Mathews
Accountant - Receivables
Erin McCully
Director of Learner Accessibility and Equity
picture of Alan
Fire/Rescue Program Director/Coordinator/Instructo…
Photo of Luke Monroe
General Maintenance Technician
Photo of Sheryl Monroe
Employment & Benefits Specialist
Dean of Career Technologies
Todd Moses Photo
HVAC Mechanic
Photo of Jasper Mudge
PC and Network Support Technician
Erica Muse
Upward Bound Academic Advisor
Photo of Paula Jones
Workforce Continuing Education Registrar
Christine Nagy
Accountant - Payroll
Photo of Ed Nagy
Student Services Director - Macon, History Instruc…
Photo of Deven Neal
Instructional Technologist
Photo of Megan Nicholson
Emergency Services/Safety Coordinator
Tonya Nifong
General Maintenance Technician II - Landscaping
Photo of Shawn Ohtani
April Olson
Grants Writer
Photo of Sgt. Sam Plaster
Campus Resource Officer - Jackson
Kathryn Posey
Institutional Development Associate
Photo of Trina Pullian
Cleaning Technician I
Executive Dean of Instructional Services
Lester Queen
Cleaning Technician I
Photo of Daniel Reid
NC Basic Law Enforcement Program Coordinator/Instr…
Cheryl Renfro
Upward Bound Academic Advisor
Photo of Michael Sams
PC and Network Support Technician
Photo of Latresa Shuler
Coordinator of Workforce Continuing Education
Photo of Bryan Singleton
Director of Human Resources
Photo of Jennifer Siweumptewa
Food Service Manager
Photo of John Slater
Maintenance Supervisor
Photo of Ginger Smith
Grounds/Maintenance Technician I
Photo of Sylvia Smoker
College and Career Readiness Coordinator
Sarah Spann
Public Relations Assistant
Photo of Andrea Stamper
Director of Institutional Research & Planning
Photo of Jarred Starling
Help Desk/PC Technician
Photo of Heather Stephan
Student Enrollment Data and Retention Coordinator
Photo of Emma Stiles
Administrative Assistant - Student Support Service…
Picture of Megan Stiles
Coordinator of Advertising and Graphic Design
Photo of Melissa Sumrak
Cleaning Technician I
Scott Sutton
Dean of Workforce Continuing Education
Tony Sutton
General Maintenance Technician II - Administrator
Dr. Don Tomas
Photo of Laura Tooker
Coordinator of High School Equivalency Testing
Photo of  Collin Trammell
Grounds/Maintenance Technician I
Photo of Amber Upton
Pre-Health Sciences Success Coach
Jordan Upton
Learning Assistance Center Director
Photo of Xander Villano
College Information Center Coordinator
Suzanne Vincent
Coordinator of Procurement
Photo of Joe Waldrum
Director of Facilities
Patty Wall Photo
User Support Manager
Photo of Sarah West
College and Career Readiness Coordinator
Donna Wilson
Administrative Assistant - Arts & Sciences
Steve Wilson
Shipping/Receiving/Inventory Clerk
Administrative Assistant - Enrollment Services (Sw…
Photo of Jody Woodring
Records Technician
Photo of Sheila Yates
Administrative Assistant - Workforce Continuing Ed…

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